New Parliament Building Inauguration Understand With Astrology How Is It Astro Special

New Parliament Building Inauguration Understand With Astrology How Is It Astro Special

New Parliament Inauguration: India is the largest democratic country in the world. To become the identity of this democracy, Central Vista will be known as an important institution for the democratic integrity of India. May 28, 2023 will be a historic day when this new building will be available for the Members of Parliament of India. In this, about 1280 MPs will get the facility to sit together.

The architect of the new building of the Parliament of India is Vimal Patel and it is spread over an area of ​​about 65000 square meters. If we talk about the facts, then the construction work of this new Parliament House is going on from 10th December in the year 2020, because then the Prime Minister Narendra Modi laid its foundation stone. Before this, the Parliament House which we know for bringing important ordinances to our Prime Minister and other ministers, was constructed in 1927, which has reached almost 100 years old condition.

In the new building, two separate numbers have been arranged for Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha, in which 888 members can sit together in the Lok Sabha Chamber and 384 members in the Rajya Sabha Chamber together. Many people have said many things according to Vastu regarding the building of the new Parliament House.

Some are very auspicious and some have even given the name of Ashoka. We are also trying to see it through astrology. First of all, let us see that when the new Parliament House will be inaugurated on Sunday, May 28, 2023, what will be the auspicious times and what other special yoga will be there, which will make this day grand-

9 big things about the new parliament – according to the almanac

1 Panchang, 28 May 2023 that time new parliament building will be inaugurated, that day will be Ashtami Tithi of Shukla Paksha of Jeshtha month. This building is going to be inaugurated on Sunday in Balav Karan in Purva Falguni Nakshatra in Harshan Commission.
2 planetary positions Sun will be in Taurus and Rohini Nakshatra while Moon will be located in Purva Phalguni Nakshatra in Leo.
3 date, time When it will be inaugurated at 12:00, Abhijeet Muhurt will be going on, which is considered very auspicious. Kshatriyas are also being created on that day which is considered very auspicious. On this day there will be the festival of Masik Durga Ashtami, and at the same time there will be a special festival of Dhumavati Mata Jayanti. In particular, it is the day of Shakti, which will put the power of democracy on the world stage.
4 Ascendant At the time of inauguration of the new building, the fixed ascendant lion will be rising. If it is inaugurated in a fixed ascendant, its fame will last for a long time and ascendant lord Sun will be in a strong position by being posited in the tenth house, which indicates that MPs can pay more attention to work by being present in it.
5 Saturn’s position On this day, at the time of inauguration, Shani will be sitting in the seventh house from the Ascendant in Aquarius and will be in Digvalli state and Shani is considered to be the factor of the people, which will be auspicious for the people in every way and will be popular in the society and among the public. Will play an important role in making
6 ninth house Jupiter, Mercury and Rahu all three will be situated in the ninth house, which shows that the inclusion of religion, logic and modernity can be seen in the building of this Parliament House and in the thoughts of the people sitting in it, which will lead to the coming times. Soon the situation of some changes in the constitution can also be seen.
7 position of the sun Sun God himself, the factor of royal grace, will be helpful in giving strong strength to the ruling party by sitting in the tenth house.
8 eleventh house Due to the presence of tenth lord Venus in the eleventh house, there will be a situation of economic strength and there will be chances of monetary gains.
9 role of Mars Chaturthesh and Navamesh Mangal will sit in the twelfth house after passing the debilitated sign. Some such decisions will also be taken while sitting in this Parliament House, which can prove to be very difficult and effective regarding the suppression of enemies in the border areas. However, there may be some opposition regarding them.

India’s position in the world will be strong
Lord of the twelfth house, Chandra Maharaj will be sitting in the first house, due to which cooperation of foreign guests and foreign powers can also be obtained, which will prove to bring India at par with all the important countries of the world in the coming times. Both Rahu and Jupiter present in the ninth house will be on equal degrees and both will be in the constellation of Ketu, so it can be said that in the coming years, some special thinking may develop in this Parliament House regarding all religions. Who will get a chance to move forward despite opposition.

Features of the new parliament
This building built in the shape of a triangle also takes the shape of a hexagon, defining Satva, Rajas and Tamas, which give the message of removing Shatripu (six mental disorders) in life. Along with this the glimpse of Tridev is also visible. When we see this new building, it seems that there is also a circular shape along with a triangle, which can be defined as Shiva and Shakti. Where Shiva’s Trishul and Shivling are visualized in the form of a triangle, then the shadow of mother Shakti is seen in the form of a point and the union of these two gave birth to Lord Kartikeya, who removes all kinds of ill-effects. Communicators are considered.

balance of knowledge, power and action
According to Gyan Dwar, Shakti Dwar and Karma Dwar, this new Parliament House will teach the lesson of Knowledge, Power and Karma to the people working here, bureaucrats and parliamentarians. It can be said that barring some hurdles, the new Parliament will present a shining image of India in the years to come.

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Disclaimer: The information provided here is based on assumptions and information only. It is important to mention here that does not confirm any kind of recognition, information. Before implementing any information or belief, consult the relevant expert.

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